
One Health AMR surveillance in marine mammals, Helgoland
As part of the JPIAMR MARRES project, which stands for “One health surveillance approach on MARine mammal, marine environmental and human antimicrobial RESistance on the North and Baltic Seas”, we participated in a field trip to Helgoland, Germany, to join the sampling of grey seals for subsequent DNA extraction and metagenomics nanopore sequencing for bacteria and AMR characterization.
One Health AMR surveillance in marine mammals, Helgoland
Bioinformatics and Computational Genomics School, Romania
I joined the EEBG Summer School to teach students from Romania, Moldova, and Ukraine about linux, programming, genomics, bioinformatics, and genomic surveillance using real-time long-read sequencing.
Bioinformatics and Computational Genomics School, Romania
Strengthening genomic surveillance, Zimbabwe
I joined a GIZ SEEG (German Epidemic Preparedness Team) mission to Zimbabwe, providing training in real-time sequencing and bioinformatics for SARS-CoV-2 genomic surveillance and capacity building in the country.
Strengthening genomic surveillance, Zimbabwe