About me

I am a researcher and team lead at the Genome Competence Center of the Robert Koch Institute in Berlin, Germany. We study infectious diseases in a One Health context by applying real-time nanopore sequencing, pangenomics approaches, analyzing environmental samples such as wastewater, and studying microbial evolution using bioinformatics for genomic surveillance.

I studied Bioinformatics at the University of Jena, Germany (FSU) and achieved my PhD by specializing in RNA Bioinformatics and High-Throughput Analysis. Following this, I joined the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), Hinxton (UK) to work in Microbiome Informatics. Since 2020, I have continued my academic journey at the RKI in Berlin, the national institute for public health in Germany, conducting research with my team and (inter)national colleagues.

Visit the BTR team: Bioinformatics & Translational Research.